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How To Promote OnlyFans

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How to promote OnlyFans is a question that many creators ask themselves when they start. And maybe that’s what you’re asking yourself! 

You’ve just launched OnlyFans but don’t know where to start. Read our article and save time on your competitors! We’ll give you some key points, very important points for your success on OnlyFans. You’ll thank us later after reading this.


How do you get noticed on OnlyFans?


Before getting to it. You must know one thing. You can become ultra-popular on OnlyFans. It’s possible. But you need to know the right techniques. That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this article. You are going to know the right techniques and you will know what works to become super popular on OnlyFans.


So how do you go about it? Do I have to stand out from the crowd? Should I use my social media? 

We’ll answer all your questions, you can count on us. But let’s start by answering this one: how do you get noticed on OnlyFans?

It’s the whole package. You have to be determined.

Here are 5 tips to help you get noticed on OnlyFans:

  1. Create quality content (this is the very basics)
  2. Use the right hashtags on your OnlyFans posts. Not necessarily the best-known ones, but the ones most likely to bring you subscribers.
  3. Work with other OnlyFans Creators. If you appear on another creator’s content, you’ll gain visibility.
  4. Make attractive offers. For example, for Black Friday, offer a 50% discount for 1 month, or something similar.
  5. Use Trends Hunter. This is one of the best ways these days to help you do what it takes to gain visibility! We’ll talk about it a little later.


A little foretaste, but very important and not to be neglected. Not everyone gives out this kind of information, so make the most of it!


Social networks


This is the first thing you think of, and that’s normal. Thanks to social media, you can reach more people quickly and easily. We’re going to give you the techniques for different social media.


Promote OnlyFans on Instagram


Instagram is a powerful way to promote your OnlyFans account. And it’s all free! You can also present your publications by paying for a sponsored post, but we wouldn’t recommend it. 

The strategy is pretty simple. You need to post reels regularly. Some of them will work, others won’t. But this strategy is 100% free and is guaranteed to increase your visibility. Pretty cool, huh?


People will come across your video in random mode. If you want to be anonymous, you can. Instagram is a very interesting solution. 

What’s more, we’ve studied Instagram’s algorithm and can tell you that you shouldn’t use too many hashtags, ideally less than 5, but you have to choose them carefully. 

Not only that, but we’ve also noticed that if the reel has a lot of impressions per reaction during the first 5 minutes, the reel will be more likely to “breakthrough”!

Now, you’re probably wondering what content to make. You don’t know what people want to see. After all, it’s true. Keep reading to learn how to promote your OnlyFans on other social media. You won’t be disappointed because in this article you are also going to know what content to make to go viral.

Read more here → Promote OnlyFans on Instagram


Promote OnlyFans on TikTok 

Take a moment to consider the figure I’m about to give you. 1.7 Billion: That’s the number of active users on TikTok. And that’s 27% of the world’s population. 

That’s just crazy. So believe me, if there’s one place to promote your OnlyFans, it’s TikTok. 

Plus, TikTok is the quickest and easiest way to become “popular”. You can reach a huge number of people in a very short time thanks to the algorithm.


And we asked the algorithm experts! The most important thing on TikTok to promote your OnlyFans account is to follow the trends. Hashtags are more important than on Instagram. Finally, it’s based on Natural Language Processing.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a technical thing. To make it easy for you to understand, it is a branch of artificial intelligence focused on empowering machines to comprehend, interpret, and generate human language.

It means TikTok algorithms show you what you’re more likely to watch.

Let’s talk about Trends Hunter! Trends Hunter is a monthly subscription-based platform where you receive a daily TikTok trend that’s likely to help you breakthrough.  If you want to grow your OnlyFans account, it’s almost mandatory to use this tool! Every day, you’ll receive the best daily trends to post.

You won’t have to do your research, just follow the trends they give you. Plus, right now you’ve got a 7-day free trial!  If you want to know more about Trends Hunter click here.


Promote your OnlyFans on Twitter

You can promote your OnlyFans account on Twitter. One thing’s for sure: there are lots of different sources for promoting your OnlyFans profile.

On Twitter, it’s easy to get followers. All you need is to post consistently. The text has to be directly appealing to readers. The best thing to do on Twitter is to publish a post with a short text and a photo. For that, on Twitter, you can post photos for free, just like you do on TikTok and Instagram. Or a post like this:


Want to see more? 

Follow these few steps:

– Follow me

– RT

– Tag 2 friends

Hope you enjoy it



What you see above is a giveaway. You offer each person who meets your conditions what you said you would. 

For example, if you promise every person who tags 2 people and reposts your tweet a photo in lingerie. You’ll have to send a photo to all of them.

As mentioned above, on Twitter, texts are very important, and they must engage the reader. To do this, the text must be short. Short text drives engagement. The more engagement you get on a post, the more people your tweet is likely to reach.

For your tweet to encourage engagement, you can ask questions like: “Do you prefer to play video games or play with me?” 

Trust me, with those strategies, you’ll explode your visibility. It’s hard work, we grant you, but when you see results you will thank your hard work.


Promote your OnlyFans with OnlyFans


That sounds strange, right? But you’ll see that it’s quite genius! 

So to promote your OnlyFans account with OnlyFans. You’ll need to contact other creators and ask them to make content with you.


If the person you’re creating content with has subscribers and publishes on their OnlyFans, you’ll be tagged, and what’s more, you’ll gain visibility. 

You can use this technique with several creators. However, some of them will charge you. A second disadvantage: you potentially have to travel if the person wants to create physical content. But with a bit of luck, you’ll be able to make a cam.

See? It’s an idea that doesn’t cross everyone’s mind, but I can assure you that appearing on other creators’ OnlyFans accounts can increase your number of subscriptions.

If you try it and it turns out pretty well, you’re going to love it!


How to Promote your OnlyFans IRL?

You’ve never thought about it, have you? Well, it’s possible.

How do you go about it? Simple: you have to be different! You have to differentiate yourself by doing things differently. OnlyFans has become a household name, with millions and millions of creators. 

So why should we choose your profile and not someone else’s? Because you’re special! Because you’re not like the others. What better way to show that you are than this approach?

It’s about promoting your OnlyFans differently. Do you need a concrete example? You can go to conferences or porn forums and talk about yourself. You can also talk to people at such events and hand out cards with a QR code that redirects them directly to your OnlyFans profile. 

It may sound fanciful, but why not? It’s up to you to imagine what you can do, and what the possibilities are. Go to a baseball game with a cardboard box bearing your OnlyFans link, and hand out flyers in the street… The possibilities are endless! So it’s up to you


Create specific content!


When we think of OnlyFans, we think of adult content. But did you know that at the beginning OnlyFans was not an adult platform? It became one because the content rules were far less stringent than on Instagram or TikTok.

OnlyFans was founded in 2016 by Timothy Stokely and his father to help artists monetize their “careers”. The platform quickly became known for its adult content.

Now, you can go and find unique content that people are looking for, like cooking in sexy clothes. If you can sing or play an instrument, you can do that too. If you want to make adult content, you can do so while varying your content. And that is cool!

Once again, use your talents or your knowledge to reach another audience.


How to Use Trends Hunter to Promote Your OnlyFans Easily?

As mentioned above, this tool will help you grow your OnlyFans account much faster. Running out of ideas for content to post on TikTok to promote your account?

Trends Hunter is so easy to use that you’ll hardly have to do anything except copy the content they send you every day.

In fact, Trends Hunter sends you the best TikTok and Instagram trends of the moment every day! Basically, all you have to do every day is copy the trends to go viral and receive new subscribers every day on OnlyFans.

You earn subscriptions thanks to Trends Hunter and you earn money. Isn’t it great? This is the application to use if you want to promote your OnlyFans account.

Rely on Trends Hunter. The algorithm finds the trends most likely to break through in real time! It’s a first, and you get a free trial. So make the most of it before it’s too late and your competitors overtake you.

We’ve tried various tools, and Trends Hunter is by far the best!

Trends Hunter is THE solution if you want to promote your OnlyFans profile. You’ll have everything you need to get more subscribers. If you’d like to find out more about how to promote your OnlyFans account anonymously, click on the link and we’ll explain everything.

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[…] have written an article on the subject that answers that question. The article in question: How to promote OnlyFans? We’re talking about Instagram and TikTok. You should find the answer to your question […]

[…] niche, there are several ways to get people to subscribe to your OnlyFans account. You can start by promoting your OnlyFans. Click on the link to see, you are going to know everything from A to […]

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